2023 Annual Meeting
The NASA Armstrong Advocacy Coalition (NAAC) hosted its inaugural Annual Meeting of members on January 25th at the Sidney Frohman Planetarium at Sandusky City Schools. NAAC is made up of community members passionate about ensuring the long-term viability of NASA’s Neil A. Armstrong Test Facility (ATF), a remote test facility for the NASA Glenn Research Center, located in Erie County. The Annual Meeting featured notable speaker – General David Stringer. General Stringer is the Director of ATF. He holds a long and distinguished military career including being stationed overseas for 12 years. Retiring in 2007, he was then appointed to his current
position supporting and synchronizing activities that support critical research and development for NASA, the Department of Defense, and commercial industry. ATF is charged with advancing space exploration and global aeronautic leadership. The Annual Meeting also included a show at the Sidney Frohman Planetarium for members to enjoy along with light hors d’oeuvres.
Tour ATF
The Neil Armstrong Advocacy Coalition had the opportunity to tour the Armstrong Test Facility and hear about the amazing capabilities of the site. As we continue to advocate for its success it was important to learn both it’s strengths and weaknesses.